VFR Raises Money for ScotiaBank AIDS Walk for Life

Vancouver Frontrunners have entered a team for this years ScotiaBank AIDS Walk for Life on September 21st at Sunset Beach, Vancouver. This year we’re hoping to raise $1,000 and we’re looking to yScotiaBankou to help us get there! Big or small, anything helps. Our team page can be found by clicking on this link where you can donate by Credit Card or PayPal.

If you wish to go that extra mile and join our team, please feel free to visit the ScotiaBank sign up page by clicking here and when registering, search for the team “Frontrunners” – no password is required.
As a team member, you’re encouraged to join us in raising funds and walking the event with everyone else.


January’s Social Event – Curling

I think it’s time for me to come out of the closet.  Again.  I am a curling nerd.  So, when I had the chance to spend Saturday evening curling with the Frontrunners, I jumped on it.

Our endeavour started out with a lesson from the Pacific Rim Curling League’s Krista Frazee, who taught us everything from the geography of a curling sheet, to the basics of sweeping (my mom would be proud), to the art of hurling 42 pounds of granite across 150 feet of solid ice with the precision of a military sharpshooter.  After that, 24 of us divided up into six teams, and duked it out for the title of VFR’s Kings of Curling.

Having taken to the ice with the red stones, I skipped teammates Rohan, Nico, and Kai to a depressing first end: a score of 3 yellow.  Ouch.  Armed with the resolution to win, and the last rock, we faired slightly better in the second end: a biter from Nico, plus my last-ditch draw, and we’re on the board with 2.

Third end: a lucky “Plan B” shot by Kai gave us a rock smack-dab on the button, with two chances to score another.  Shot one, a take-out, and a miss.  The Yellow skip’s stone lands near the button, forcing a tight take-out for 2: we make it.  By the slightest of hairs, the yellow skip misses his last shot.  Praise Jeebus, we’ve won!
Naturally, a few beers in the VCC’s Last Rock Lounge soon followed.  Who am I to argue with centuries of curling tradition?

Some big thanks are in order: first, to our coach extraordinaire Krista Frazee (whom we hope will join us for a run very soon); second, to Shirley Mann, Christopher Ordog, Norm Scott, and the other wonderful folks at the Vancouver Curling Club; and finally, to the 23 wonderful Frontrunners with whom I shared a fantastic Saturday evening.

I’m secretly hoping this become an annual VFR event.
-Christopher Hawn

EDIT: A huge thank you to Christopher for organizing this awesomely fun social event. Bravo!

Reindeer Run – Sat 7th Dec

It was a chilly day in Stanley Park – the different smartphones had it somewhere between -10 and -6 degrees – but it was a beautiful morning full of winter sunshine and crisp, clear air.

43 eager Frontrunners and Walkers made it down to the regular meeting place, just by Brockton Oval for 9am. As soon as the box of Santa hats, reindeer antlers and jingle bells was brought out everyone dived in.

And this was the result:

Reindeer Runners
43 Frontrunners and Walkers await the start of the Reindeer Run

Vancouver Frontrunners run and walk every Wednesday and Saturday regardless of the weather (unless it is really too icy). If you fancy joining us for a run or walk just come along – you’ll be very welcome.

Members can see more photos from the day in our members area.