2018 marks Vancouver Frontrunners’ 35th year as a club, and we have been doing ALL THE THINGS to celebrate! In addition to our twice weekly regular runs, dinners, and brunches, we’ve made sure to see lots of each other out and about in the community. Check out our year in review below.
First Half Marathon
Snowshoe Hike
Long Run
St. Patrick’s Day 5K – we had a strong, beautiful team out for the St. Patrick’s Day 5k. Some may have come for the green beer.

Long Run
BMO Sunshine Coast April Fool’s Run

Sun Run Pre-Social at The Blarney Stone
Vancouver Sun Run 10k

Pride Run & Walk Pancake Run (5km or 15km) with Forerunners
BMO Pre-race Potluck at Mark’s
BMO Vancouver Marathon
May 12 – July 22 – Learn to Run
“Summer is Coming” BBQ at Chad’s, hosted by Chad and Tony
Long Run
STRUT Vancouver
Sizzle: Pride Run & Walk Launch BBQ
Car Free Day to Promote Pride Run & Walk
Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon & 5K
Shipyard Night Market
Ragnar Relay and Post-Event Brunch

Pride Run & Walk. Our Pride Run and Walk event was amazing again this year, raising $16,974 to split between our two charities of choice, Out In Schools and the Loud Foundation.

International Rainbow Memorial Run

Whitecaps FC Pride Night

Long Run
Vancouver Pride Parade

Gay Games in Paris
VQFF – Al Berto & Love Intersections
“Mind Set Go” Filming

Swim and Sunbathe at Kits Pool
Preventative Health Condom Packing Party with Health Initiative for Men

35th Anniversary Party
September 14 we hosted our 35th anniversary party. We heard from members who were there at the beginning and some who’ve only joined recently. We were thrilled to present our donations to representatives from the LOUD Foundation and Out in Schools. There was a silly amateur drag competition, cake, and most importantly, the chance to catch up with people we maybe hadn’t seen in a while. To get in on some of the nostalgia, check out our retrospective slideshow.


Before the year’s out, there’s one last Grouse Grind, games night, movie night, Whistler 50, our AGM & holiday party, and more.
If this sounds like the most fun you can have in a two or three hour period, you are absolutely right. Vancouver Frontrunners is friendship and family (and running and beer). We care for each other deeply. Whether you’re an existing member, potential member, or an alumnus, you can get your 2019 membership here now, effective from October 1 through the end of 2019, for the ridiculously low price of $15.