Whistler 50 Update

Thanks to everyone for their interest in this year’s Whistler 50 on Saturday 19th October.

Vancouver Frontrunners will have two teams this year – under team captains Jeremy Plotkin & Ian Wong and both teams are now full.

But if you’re in Vancouver that weekend why not try out a choir concert organised by our very own C.D. with the Canadian Chamber Choir. You can find out more details on the website at http://canadianchamberchoir.ca/. The concert starts at 7:30pm and is at St. Mary’s Kerrisdale. Tickets are $25 and available online (http://canadianchamberchoir.brownpapertickets.com).

As we enter the last quarter of 2013, there are still lots of running events coming up which Vancouver Frontrunner members are running in – that’s races like the Victoria Marathon (plus half & 10km), Chicago Marathon, Whistler 50, Fall Classic, James Cunningham Sea Wall race to name a few. Keep us informed about what you’re up to!


Whistler 50 – Saturday 19th October

This year’s Whistler 50 takes place on Saturday 19th October.

It is run by teams of 8 people doing alternating legs of 13km and 7km. Last year we had 3 teams taking part from Vancouver Frontrunners and it would be great to see that many of us up there again this year. You can specify what distance you’d like to run.

We usually meet on the Friday night (flexible arrival time) – the team captains give out the race package to their team members and people generally have some dinner/drinks.

On the Saturday you run in your scheduled slot for your scheduled distance and afterwards (or before) you can chill in Whistler or cheer on your fellow team members (or both). We then all meet up for an early dinner and go on for a night of partying (optional!).

Check out the website for full details – http://www.bcathletics.org/whistler50/index.htm

We do have an offer with one of the hotels for cheaper accommodation and will send you the details if interested. We’ll also try to co-ordinate lifts to Whistler closer to the date.

You do not register yourself for the race – you need to let us know you’re interested using the form below and your team captain will register you.

Each of the teams also needs a single volunteer (who is not running).

[contact-form to=’contact-us@vancouverfrontrunners.org’ subject=’Website – Whister 50 Interest’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Distance’ type=’select’ required=’1′ options=’7km or 13km,7km,13km’/][contact-field label=’Age’ type=’select’ options=’Under 40,40 or over’/][/contact-form]

Learn to Run with HIM & VFR

HIM is collaborating with Vancouver Frontrunners for an all levels of fitness introductory-level Run/Walk group that is designed to be a fun, motivational way to get you out and meet other like-minded guys this Fall. The group will be led by experienced runners who know how to respect people’s personal limitations while motivating them to push themselves to the next level.

Participants are asked to commit to the full ten-week program of 3 sessions per week: Monday and Wednesday evenings, and Saturday mornings. The program has been designed by experts to gradually increase your stamina. Full details will be sent to you when you register.

Check Out Full Details Here
