Learn to Run / Return To Running

June 30, 2024: Learn to Run / Return to Running signup has closed, but you are always welcome to join us at any of our regularly scheduled runs or walks on Wednesday evenings or Saturday mornings. See Run or Walk with us for all the details.

We’ll bring back LTR/RTR next year for June 1, 2025 with signup starting in March.

Our Learn To Run (or Return to Running) program is a free seven-week program offered by Vancouver Frontrunners to the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and allies. Start date: Saturday, June 1 2024 (late registrations are accepted, please sign up). A carrot: keep on running with us to be eligible to win one of 10 entries to the Vancouver Pride Run & Walk 5/10km, held in Stanley Park on Sunday, July 28!

See Program Info for all the details. Scroll down for the signup form!

LTR/RTR is an introductory all-levels running clinic designed to get you in from your couch or yoga mat to becoming comfortable to run 5 kilometres or more, depending on your starting point. And you’ll have fun while getting there!

The progressive program sets achievable goals, utilizes a graduated system of running and walking intervals, and can accommodate new runners or runners with some experience returning from an absence. Informative, social and fun, you’ll find the group motivates and inspires you to return each week!

Funded by the Government of Canada

This free program includes instruction in warm-up and stretching techniques, kind coaches and a welcoming and inclusive environment. If finances or equipment pose a barrier to your entry, please reach out to president@vancouverfrontrunners.org in confidence.

Program Info

Key Dates: The start date is Saturday, June 1st and the formal program lasts 7 weeks. We’ll be there for everyone who continues to run with us to our summer grand finale: Pride Run & Walk on Sunday, July 28th.

Commitment needed: The program revolves around two in-person sessions a week on Saturday mornings and Wednesday evenings and a recommended at-home session. You can be successful if you can only attend one of the weekly in-person sessions regularly, running on your own at other times.

Times & Locations: Saturdays at 9:00 am at Brockton Oval, Stanley Park; Wednesdays at 6:30 pm at Roundhouse Community Centre in Yaletown – see Run or Walk With VFR for location and other details.

Cost: Free, courtesy of a Government of Canada ParticipACTION grant and the volunteer efforts of Vancouver Frontrunners.

You’ll need:

  • Suitable attire for late Spring/Summer running.
  • Running shoes.
  • If you want to stash gear while running, your padlock for Roundhouse and Brockton Oval Fieldhouse lockers.
  • Recommended: Log your training runs using the ParticipACTION app on your phone.

If you need advice on gear or if your financial situation would prevent your participation in the program, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for recommendations and other assistance.

We’ll provide you with:

  • A welcoming and inclusive environment that motivates you to return each week!
  • Experienced and empathetic coaches.
  • A structured program, PDF handouts, and weekly reminder emails.
  • Instruction on warm-ups and post-run stretching.
  • At the end of the program, continuing participants will be eligible to win one of ten entries to the 2024 Vancouver Pride Run & Walk 5/10K in Stanley Park on July 28!

The Bare Minimum Terms & Conditions

We do this for the love of our community, running, walking, and promoting physical activity and healthy lifestyles, and we have only a few conditions:

  • Participants must sign a Waiver of Responsibility at their first session, a copy of which follows. If you have any questions about your ability to participate, consult with your healthcare professional.
  • Our community is beautifully diverse, and we insist everyone maintain a friendly, respectful, and welcoming environment.

Waiver of Responsibility

operating as
(the “Organization”)


By signing below, the Participant or the Participant’s Guardian (if applicable), represents that he or she understands and acknowledges the risks, dangers, and hazards which are inherent in accessing, visiting, and using the properties, facilities, installations, events and equipment owned, leased, operated, controlled, or used by the Organization, including public and private properties, facilities, installations, events and equipment owned, leased, operated, or controlled by third parties but used by the Organization (collectively, the “Premises”), which risks include, but are not limited to: the potential for bodily injury or illness (including contraction of COVID-19); contact or interaction with others who may have been exposed to COVID-19 or other pathogens; close proximity to or contact with surfaces, equipment, fixtures, or other objects that may be infected with COVID-19 or other pathogens; permanent disability, paralysis, or loss of life; collision with natural or manmade objects; tripping hazards; imperfect venue or field of play conditions; equipment failure; negligent use of the Premises by others; inadequate safety measures; and risks arising from the negligence of the Organization (collectively, the “Risks”).

In consideration for allowing the Participant to access, visit, and use the Premises (for any permitted purpose, including visiting, running, participating in running events, participating in social events, working as an employee, volunteer, or contractor, or providing or receiving running lessons or coaching), the Participant or the Participant’s Guardian (if applicable): (a) releases, discharges and forever holds harmless the Organization and its partners, sponsors, agents, affiliates, directors, officers, contractors, employees and volunteers (collectively, the “Releasees”) from any and all liability for damages or losses arising as a result of the Risks, including liability arising from breach of contract, breach of statutory duties of care (including any duties of care owned under the Occupiers Liability Act (British Columbia)), and negligence on the part of the Releasees; (b) waives any right to sue the Releasees in respect of all causes of action (including those arising from the negligence of the Releasees), claims, damages or losses of any kind that may arise as a result of the Risks or in connection with access or use of the Premises, including without limitation the right to make a third party claim against the Releasees arising from the same; and (c) freely assumes the Risks and anything incidental to the Risks which may arise as a result of or in connection with access to and use of the Premises.


This project has been made possible in part by the Government of Canada.