Vancouver Frontrunners operates a bursary program. This program is intended to assist VFR members particpating in running or walking activities where such participation would not otherwise occur without financial assistance from Vancouver Frontrunners.
If you would like to apply for assistance under this program, please refer to the full program details which are stated below. If you wish to apply, please complete the application form and return to VFR as per the instructions on the form.
VFR Bursary Program
Eligibility criteria:
- Must be a member of Vancouver Frontrunners for at least 90 days.
- Expressed financial need (no documented proof necessary).
- Funds must be used towards advancing mission statement of VFR (“Vancouver Frontrunners provides a safe and friendly environment for the LGBT community and their friends to enjoy running and walking”) through participation in running/walking.
- Annual gross cap of $150/member, with applicants requiring a co-payment of 20% for all individual requests over $50.
Examples of how funding might be used:
- To purchase running/walking footwear.
- To offset costs of registration in a race or running/walking-related event.
- To cover annual VFR membership dues and club t-shirt costs.
Committee composition:
- The VFR Bursary Committee is made up of three members of the VFR board.
- The VFR treasurer is a member of the committee.
- The remaining committee members are selected by the VFR President, in consultation with the board.
- One member from the committee is appointed the Chair of the committee by the President, in consultation with the board.
- Committee seats are held for one-year terms, timed to coincide with the VFR fiscal calendar.
- Committee membership can be renewed at the discretion of the member and the President, in consultation with the board.
- Approval of applications is at the discretion of the committee.
- Members must apply for scholarship funds before incurring the expense (e.g., registering for a race or purchasing footwear)
- The committee reviews all applications within seven days of receipt. Decisions are based on a majority vote of the committee.
- Committee members can abstain from voting in the event of a conflict of interest (whether actual or perceived), or other extenuating circumstance. If the event of an abstention resulting in a tie vote, the VFR President casts the deciding vote.
- If an application is accepted by the committee, the member receives notification by email. The member must provide original receipts itemizing the purchase within 30 days of the transaction. A cheque is issued to the applicant within 15 days of receiving the receipts.
- If an application is denied, appeals can be sent in the form of a letter to the VFR President within 15 days of the denial.
- The identity of the applicants and recipients remains anonymous.